What have I done
Date Published
I ran and I ran
Well after not getting picked in the lottery for the United Airlines NYC Half Marathon yesterday, I drowned my sorrows in signing up for not one but 2 half marathons next year. The second one is two months after the first! The first one is a local race, along a course I run on often. The Tobacco Road Marathon is a race I have signed up and trained for previously. Sadly I got injured before being able to do it, because my training plan was far to aggressive. The second one I am most excited about. The Chicago Spring Half. Getting to run in a new city, along the water and down to Solider Field should be a ton of fun. The training and build up to both these races may not be the most fun. I am going to take my training a lot less aggressive than last time. The focus will be on finishing vs a goal time. For the training plan I did set a goal time, but a much less aggressive one then I had tried to do before. I want to enjoy the training and not end up dreading it like I did toward the back half when i last trained. Making sure I eat enough, and making sure my pace is not too fast should help a lot. I am both excited and nervous at the same time. Trying to balance training with every day life is going to be hard and I need to find balance. Feeling like all one does is run, becomes daunting. I think after training for two previous half I better understand what I need to do to find balance while feeling ready enough to race. So many audio books are about to be consumed over the next 6 months!