Current Coding Projects
A list of all the current projects I have been working on in my spare time.

This Site
This is the code base to this actual site! It is based off of payloadcms. Which is a headless CMS. This allows me to easily create new content types to store data, and use NextJS as a front-end to display the content. A lot more to come on this project. Going to code up a light weight gallery, and a resume page content type.
This is my first attempt at creating a rust based CLI. This pulls data directly from a users personal Strava account. It can be used to output a persons data or added into another code base to integrate Strava via a rust based program. This is eventually going to be a bit of a bigger piece of software I am working on, to be able to pull, and sync various fitness device data across various systems.
This is a back-end API/ORM to store recipes for the Xbloom coffee machine. This is something I started for the community of people who own one of these machines. The vendor has a android app for sending/creating recipes for the machine. However there is no way to see all users recipes across the platform. This is the start of a site for people to be able to add their own and share with everyone.
The front-end to the bloomdb API project. This has been created in Front-ends I am not great at. The whole design, and working on various screen sizes and browsers are problematic for me. This is very much a work in progress and needs a lot of help. May switch to in the near future.
A CLI to quickly create notes in the markdown format. It can create new notes, or open exiting ones to edit. It can also search for a keyword and display all your notes. It has a scratch pad feature which allows you to quickly add something to a long lived file, to later organize into a new note or existing note.